In 1998, Victor Gaviria directed the film “la vendedora de rosas,” which represented the cruel reality of the Colombian youth surviving on the streets of Medellín. The movie was based off the life of Mónica Rodriguez, a young flower vendor…
In 1998, Victor Gaviria directed the film “la vendedora de rosas,” which represented the cruel reality of the Colombian youth surviving on the streets of Medellín. The movie was based off the life of Mónica Rodriguez, a young flower vendor…
Here are some more fun instances of the paisa dialect in action: Check out the video below! Notice how the “Y” sound (“LL”) changes to a “J” sound in the paisa dialect: Listen to the songs below to hear a…
The most authentic portrayal of both the paisa dialect and the cultural atmosphere of Medellín is illustrated through Luis Miguel Rivas’ novel, “era más grande el muerto.” The story follows the daily lives of ordinary characters, like two young men…
Kristine Muñoz es profesora de español en la Universidad de Iowa. Ha publicado cinco libros y más de 40 artículos, capítulos de libros y entradas de enciclopedias en las áreas de lengua, cultura y teoría de la comunicación. Su trabajo…
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