Learning about Medellín means learning about Colombia, its past and its present. This Metro stop is Universidad, and its pages try to offer context for the material in other areas of the site. For example, all the references to the Havana Peace Accords of 2016 need some history of that event, and of what has happened – and keeps happening – since then. You’ll find Context pages that link to those references.
This area also tries to give people interested in following up what they have found here into further exploration of Medellín specifically, and Colombia more generally, a curated set of resources to do so: suggestions of art, music, and literature in English and Spanish. I’ve tried to focus particularly on resources available through the Internet for free or at a reasonable price.
Finally, I hope to eventually develop lesson plans and resource guides for high school and college-level Spanish teachers to use this site in their classrooms, and will always appreciate suggestions and models for what might be useful at different levels and different ages. Please contact me through the comments with ideas for those!