Medellín es más conocido por sus peores momentos, cuando Pablo Escobar aterrorizó a la gente honesta, reclutó a niños para su negocio de narcotráfico y revolcó un orden social orgulloso y trabajador. La transformación de Medellín desde la muerte de Escobar en 1993 ha hecho de Medellín un lugar muy diferente. Un paseo en el Metro, que es de categoría mundial y la envidia de América Latina, le mostrará algunos de los triunfos del Medellín de hoy.
When you hover over Metro Stations in the menu above, each stop represents a theme of Medellín’s transformation since 1993. Exposiciones introduces you to some of Medellín’s daytime social life, including photo and video essays on street art, a riverwalk, why malls are more vibrant and successful than ever, and more. Caribe shows the resilience of Moravia, a neighborhood that was once the city’s open-air garbage dump and is now a lush garden towering over a main traffic artery. Hospital highlights the cutting-edge medical specialties that have developed in the city, from life-saving treatments for trauma victims to eye surgery.
You can enjoy the Metro – all rides are free today! – exploring the stops as you come to them, or you can search the site by topic in the Key Word Index. Either way, this site will remain under construction for a long time, so I hope you’ll bookmark and come back often to see what’s new in Medellín.